Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and happy holiday this year! Ours was super special with this being Bubbs first real Christmas. Last year he just napped under the Christmas tree and loved all the lights haha.  We really got to enjoy some fun times with him this year! Not sure when I will be able to actually publish this post.... It might be a long one. Work has been crazy busy so I want to share a little of that, some details about Bubbs Christmas experience and a few of my favorite presents that I got for Christmas!  Ok so here we go!

This Christmas season was very exciting and very exhausting! Both Morgan and I had the craziest schedules for the holidays.  We celebrated Christmas with Bubs on Christmas Eve (we both worked Christmas Day for a bit).  Morgan had 24 hour call the night before up to that morning so Bubs and I had the whole night just us on the 23rd. He really enjoyed reading his new Christmas books and snuggling up on the couch with me watching frosty before bed! After he went down I quickly wrapped all of the remaining presents that we hadn't got around to wrapping prior...normally my routine is to get a big glass of wine and go wrapping crazy!  This year I was way to exhausted so in order to make myself not feel totally lame.. I drank green tea out of a wine glass (Atleast I felt cool).

Christmas was way too much fun! Bubs was so so excited when he saw all of his presents! Opening presents however was not high on his priority list.. He would open one super slowly then want to play with it or read a new book. Literally it took him almost all morning to get through his presents.  Of course his favorite present was a toy ambulance! With medical parents how could he not love a gift like that! Let me tell you also how much he loved the PACKING PEANUTS that came in one of the boxes... Loved them! He laid on the floor as Morgan dumped them on his head and laughed his cute little butt off!

Enough about our cute, adorable child! Time to share my favorite favorite things from Christmas! We are going to Costa Rica in March, that was our big present to share but we did end up getting some small things for each other.
First, ever year Morgan gets me a new crystal ornament for our tree (next year I want to start a little tree just for those ornaments).  This year he got me one with a photo of our little man taking his first steps! He literally took the video of his first steps, broke it down into pictures and got his very very first step. I cried like a little baby over this, how wonderful is he!

I love presents that go together, I got some really fun Kate Spade things also.  A new coffee mug that I was been wanting, insulated tumbler, coozie (to take to key west for girls week of course) and a passport holder to take to Costa Rica!

One of my favorite stores is LuLulemon, Morgan knows obsessed I am with this store.  He's gotten smart and has realized that if he buys me gifts from there it keeps me from going into the store (and spending hundreds of dollars). They make hands down the best yoga clothes! I just order a new yoga outfit from Express so we will see how I like it but nothing will compare to LuLu. Whoever else out there wears this brand you understand what I mean.

Just a couple fun things from Express and 2 small Lush products. Excited to try the Yoga bomb!

Sorry for the long post but there was just so much to share! Work stuff can wait for another blog, I think I might do one just of my funniest ER nurse moments.  Hope everyone has a wonderful New Years! We are getting super crazy tonight at our house.. Letting the baby stay up an extra hour (until 8:15) we might even stay up until midnight! Then breakfast mimosas!

See you next year! 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

L'Occitane....I am now addicted.

So let me just share with you one of my most favorite things in life right now.. (really its that amazing).  L'Occitane Almond Exfoliating and Smoothing Delicious Paste.  I bought mine at Sephora for I'm pretty sure it was $42.  
I had heard amazing reviews on this product (all 100% true) but at first was a little reluctant to spend the money.  I got this jar during the 20% off Sephora VIB Rogue sale not wanting to pay full price if I wasn't sure I would like it...
After just using it once I would pay full price for this 1 million x over, it is really that good!  I have barely made a dent in my jar and have used it probably close to 10 times.  This is something I would repurchase again and again.
The formula is so perfect with just the right amount of exfoliating beads and smooth creamy lotiony (if thats a word) goodness!  The best thing about this product is that a little goes a long way I can see this little jar lasting for months. I use mine about 2-3x a week.  The scent is the most perfect warm, sweet and sugary smell that doesn't wash off with the product it will stay almost all day.  I was in target the other day checking out and the women behind the counter commented on how good my lotion smelled when I reached to hand her my credit card. No lotion...It was just the smell of this scrub from my morning shower.... the next time I saw her at target she had bought it and was also hooked on the product.  I can be pretty religious when it comes to lotion after a shower but when I use this scrub I have found that I don't even need to put on lotion.  I get out of the shower and my skin feels so silky and moisturized even my elbows and heels.

Hands down the best scrub I have ever tried..I would totally be open to any other suggestions of scrubs that people rave about.  But this is good enough to eat.. and it actually smells like you could eat it...... Speaking of bath products.. I am finishing this blog in the bathtub using my awesome new christmas Bath Bombs from Lush that I'll review after I go through a few of them.. so far the first was was a huge WIN!
Alright time for an early bed time... 12 hours working in the ED on the Monday after a Holiday weekend is never pretty.
Goodnight everyone!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Welcome to our crazy life

Welcome to our crazy life, just a family of three trying to survive three and a half more years of residency in the Sweetest place on earth.  I am an RN BSN CEN x4 years at our local hospital, which is a major Medical Center and Level 1 pediatric and adult Trauma Center.  My boyfriend is currently a resident there as well, which is how we met.  Our jobs are crazy, exciting and sometimes absolutely hilarious.  I am sure I'll share minor details about my crazy job working in such a high volume, popular Emergency Department.
My vision for this blog is to just be completely fun and share little bits of our life and fun things that I am currently obsessed with; hobbies, products..whatever.  We have super crazy schedules and live a very full and exciting life so this way we can keep everyone up to date on whats going on.
Right now its nap time for our 15 month old, who is absolutely adorable by the way.  Perfect opportunity for me to squeeze in my first blog post..EVER!  Bubba ( nickname) went down for a nap about 30 minutes ago and Morgan has been working the most craziest shifts ever at the hospital so he also decided to take a nap. Which left me to have a quiet and most treasured Mommy time to myself.
If I'm lucky Bubs will nap for about an hour to hour and a half on most days.  Nap times are on the shorter side but when your toddler sleeps all through the night there is no complaining about short naps!  Having a toddler has taught me so much and we have had some super fun times along the way. Everyday is different and just when you think you have them trained to follow a certain routine, your wrong and they outsmart you once again haha.
When I am not totally playing the Mommy role.. I enjoy YOGA!, Shopping, Sephora and other little random things.  So stay tuned and see read some of my life updates, product reviews and find out things that I am just completely obsessed with.