Saturday, December 26, 2015

Welcome to our crazy life

Welcome to our crazy life, just a family of three trying to survive three and a half more years of residency in the Sweetest place on earth.  I am an RN BSN CEN x4 years at our local hospital, which is a major Medical Center and Level 1 pediatric and adult Trauma Center.  My boyfriend is currently a resident there as well, which is how we met.  Our jobs are crazy, exciting and sometimes absolutely hilarious.  I am sure I'll share minor details about my crazy job working in such a high volume, popular Emergency Department.
My vision for this blog is to just be completely fun and share little bits of our life and fun things that I am currently obsessed with; hobbies, products..whatever.  We have super crazy schedules and live a very full and exciting life so this way we can keep everyone up to date on whats going on.
Right now its nap time for our 15 month old, who is absolutely adorable by the way.  Perfect opportunity for me to squeeze in my first blog post..EVER!  Bubba ( nickname) went down for a nap about 30 minutes ago and Morgan has been working the most craziest shifts ever at the hospital so he also decided to take a nap. Which left me to have a quiet and most treasured Mommy time to myself.
If I'm lucky Bubs will nap for about an hour to hour and a half on most days.  Nap times are on the shorter side but when your toddler sleeps all through the night there is no complaining about short naps!  Having a toddler has taught me so much and we have had some super fun times along the way. Everyday is different and just when you think you have them trained to follow a certain routine, your wrong and they outsmart you once again haha.
When I am not totally playing the Mommy role.. I enjoy YOGA!, Shopping, Sephora and other little random things.  So stay tuned and see read some of my life updates, product reviews and find out things that I am just completely obsessed with.

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