Monday, February 8, 2016

Life Update

I hate how fast our weekends off together seem to fly right by.  This weekend we both had off together, no call, no plans, just a whole weekend off to spend as a family.  Between my every other weekend work schedule and Morgans weekend of call schedule, it can be tricky to really have some free time off together.
In my post of the Ava Wilde tops you saw how my weekend started...really who could ever want a better start to the weekend.  Brooks had woken up at 4am crying (he is teething again).  All he wanted to be was to go downstairs and snuggle on the couch with us while watching a movie.  At 5am he was starting to rub his eyes and get sleepy but was refusing to go upstairs and go back to bed. Morgan is so wonderful and let me go back to sleep while the two of them snuggled on the couch and continued watching the movie.  Honestly I think he was just trying to hog all of the sweet baby snuggles.  It was so so great to sleep in until 8:30 when I finally woke up on my own for once!  It was completely silent downstairs so I snuck down and found the two of them snuggling on the couch completely asleep.  I'm not going to lie I did stand there for about 10 minutes just watching them and tearing up a bit.  Morgan is always making fun of me because I will cry a bit whenever I see them having adorable moments together.  There is just something so wonderful about seeing just how much your son loves his daddy.
So on Saturday we got a wonderful wonderful surprise! My sister called me and asked if she could watch Brooks for a few hours in the afternoon at her house.  YES YES YES!  After dropping him off for some Aunt time I was able to get some Target shopping done and head to Sephora (I'll share this spontaneous shopping splurge soon).  Morgan is taking his huge Plastic Surgery Inservice exam at the beginning of March so it was great to be able to give him some complete alone time to study. 
After I got home from shopping and he was done studying we left to head over toward my sisters house to our favorite sushi restaurant.  With 2 hard months of rotations for Morgan and the craziness of the ER lately we really haven't had a lot of free time for a date night so this was much needed!  It was so nice just to sit next to each other sharing wine and sushi, just talking about how our life has been lately and all the fun times coming up.  

We did get into a discussion on how much we really hate watching Elmo and Daniel Tiger.  Now I personally don't find Daniel Tiger to be horrible awful but for some reason that cat on this show drives Morgan insane.  He started quoting her at dinner, "Meow Meow Yes" haha.  This cat cannot say one word without saying Meow Meow first and I think Morgan is reaching his breaking point if he has to hear to one more time.  The worst show for me is Elmo.  There is just something about his voice that makes me want to throw the remote at the TV.  

Sunday was our relaxing day.  I let Morgan sleep in that morning, Brooks and I woke up and shared some oatmeal with blueberries (his favorite) while watching.. of course.. Daniel Tiger.  Later that afternoon Morgan went upstairs to get a bit of studying done while Brooks and I made cookies for his preschool valentines day party!

He was the very very best helper! He loved rolling out the cookie dough, stealing bites of it and helping to use the cookie cutter.  After the cookies were done we placed them on the dinning room table to cool and Brooks went into the living room for his snack and to put a puzzle together.  I had told him prior to this that he wasn't allowed to have a cookie until after lunch.  We have an open floor plan so when I am doing dishes in the kitchen I can see him in the living room playing.  I literally looked away for 1 minute to wash a pan and I heard him just munching away on something.  I walked over to notice he was laying on the ground eating one of the cookies! He must have snuck so quietly into the dinning room, reached a cookie from the table and silently returned to the living room.  

I really couldn't even be mad look at this face he was so darn cute!!
here is our conversation
Me: "Didn't mommy say you had to wait until after lunch for a cookie"
Brooks: "Yeah"
Me: "Well don't you care what mommy says?"
Brooks: "No, Good Cookie"
HAHAHA at least he is honest!
The weather was so nice on Sunday, we actually got a little time to go out and play.  We took his new car stroller thing out for a little ride and he just had the best time ever.  

Later that evening we went over to our friends house with a bunch of the other plastics residents to watch the super bowl.  Seriously if I have to see that stupid puppy, monkey baby commercial again I am going to lose it.  I also was severely disappointed in the Budweiser commercial this year! Every year I really just look forward to this commercial.  Morgan thinks its hilarious that I always end up tearing up a bit at the end.  Its just so stinking sweet with the puppy and the horses!  This year was absolutely awful, so bad that I stopped watching the Super Bowl after this moment
Enjoy the rest of your week everyone! We are getting hit with another snow storm today and of course I'm stuck at work! 

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