Monday, February 29, 2016

Mommy Moments

Finally its nap time!  I probably only have about 30 minutes left in quiet nap time bliss before the tiny human decides to wake up and wants a snack.  Always the first thing he thinks of upon waking up.. "Snack please".  Its pretty cute.
I think I just about got done everything quick that I wanted to.  Mailed some things, emptied the dishwasher, showered and got ready, updated our calendar for the month.  I think thats a pretty successful nap time so far.

I need to vent about an experience I had about a week ago.. I think it was roughly around there.  We are hitting the terrible two's currently at age 18 months and the thing Brooks seems to hate the most right now is sitting in his carseat!  It is such a struggle sometimes to get him to sit and strap him in.  I try everything that I can possibly think of, I let him watch youtube on my phone, I bribe him with snacks and toys.  I take him out, give him a big hug and sit him back in.. nope nothing the kid refuses to sit.  Sometimes I literally have to lay across him and wrestle him into his seat kicking and screaming.

There is no rhyme or reason to when he is going to have a carseat melt down either.  I wish I knew what things set him off to go into full hatred for the carseat.  One time I can just pick him up and sit him down to get buckled without any issue at all and the next its tantrum city!  He is completely unpredictable.

So the other day I had taken him to run some errands with me.  We went to target, the pet stores and he was being so good that I pushed it and took him with me to go buy some wine (ironically I probably ended up drinking the whole bottle that night after this incident).  He was so good when we were in the store and everyone was commenting on how well behaved he was.  We shopped and checked out without any issue at all.  I am carrying him to the car and it is about 4:30 in the afternoon, he asks me for "Pizza".  I said "Sure Huni! as soon as we get home I will make Pizza for dinner".  I open the car door and he loses his little mind!  He arches his back and starts screaming, protesting his carseat screaming "Pizza" at the top of his lungs"  I try reasoning with him (useless) reassuring him that when we get home I will make the pizza right away and telling him we need to go home in order to have the pizza.  Nope, nothing. 

15 minutes later he is still screaming and I am still trying to coax him into his car seat (I was against laying on him at this point in time but I got over that REAL FAST!).  I am standing there begging him to sit down and promising him all sorts of outrageous things when this older women taps me on the shoulder.  At first I was so thankful, maybe he will sit for someone else.  WRONG! She wasn't there to help me at all.  
She gives me a dirty look and says "Is he even YOURS".  Seriously how rude can you be!  It took all I could to politely say (because small child was listening) that he wouldn't sit in his carseat and thanked her for her concern (in a sarcastic tone of course).  

First! Can I remark again how absolutely RUDE this was!  Even before I had a child I would NEVER say anything like this to someone and would always offer to help!  Second, my son looks IDENTICAL to me..maybe she needed stronger glasses.  And finally,  honestly if I was going to steal a child I would NEVER pick steal a child who was in the middle of a tantrum.  Seriously who wants to steal a bad child (not that my child is bad in any means but he was acting like a brat in that moment).  If I had actually "Stolen" him, I would have quickly returned him to his parents if he was throwing a tantrum like that!

How did I finally get him in his carseat you might wonder.... I caved and called Morgan.  He had to come and rescue me... and you know what was the icing on the cake! Brooks saw him... gave him a big hug and then let Morgan place him perfectly in his car seat and said "Home now".

Ok Rant over, Thank you for listening :) 


  1. Oh my lord I have a 3 month old boy and I'm so nervous about things like this! Lol I have a 6 year old and she's pretty good so crossing my fingers he is! Adorable! Stay strong momma!

  2. Oh girl we have all had those moments there are hard for sure and so testing aren't they? Sounds like despite the rude comment you handled it very gracefully. I had to share this with you...carseat humor... I know its a long link but so worth it :)
    xo, Nicole
